din 43650 connectors pdu
din 43650 connectors
din 43650 connectors
ION » Crystal Buzzers » C27U



Specially designed for UPS and Inverter

Sound Level: Min. 85 dB
Operating Temparature (Deg. C): -20 +50
: All Electrical Parameters are measured ad 12 VDC at 30 cm. distance
Pitch (mm): 38
Diameter (mm): 32
Height (mm): 16.5
Wire / lead Length: 120mm Min. 2 Wire
Mounting: Flange Type
Tone: Iterrupted 1 to 4/sec
Weight (gm): 10.5
Operating Voltage (V): 1.5 ~ 15 VDC
Current Consumption: Max. 20 mA
Oscillation Frequency: 4 +/-500 Hz
Storage Temparature (Deg. C): -30 +60